Friday, November 7, 2008

La Dolce Vita

It has been decided: I am going to Belgrade on the (wait for it) 4 AM bus tomorrow morning! Yeah! Why would one leave at such an un-Godly hour you ask? Well, it is a commuter bus, meaning we don't stop at all the wee towns along the way and I feel much more secure arriving in Belgrade at oh 9 AM than at 12 AM. I am thinking I'll leave late Saturday night and I won't even have to hostel it up, but we'll see about return ticket options. My UNIFEM colleagues are meeting me for lunch. So there you have it. Now, I must research how to get to a place I would actually like to visit from the bus station. I think I want to stroll down the pedestrian all honesty, I am a bit burned out of churches and historical sites, particularly byzantine forts. I know I should jump on these opportunities, but we'll see if there is a must see on wiki travel and the like...OH MY!!! There is the Tito Mausoleum! I think my Tito series would be greatly enhanced if I made it out to see Josip Broz himself! And, it is free to enter! I will also try to update my blog again, either today or this weekend. Cheers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Monkey Lover!!! I miss you! I've been thinking about you since you sent an email in July! We haven't talked in years! I keep meaning to write. I've skimmed through your blog. So proud of what you've accomplished Emholio. Wishing you the best ever. My little boy just turned ONE, Suzy & Josh have a 6-month old, and Nguyen got married!!!! Good luck w/ the job search (and I noticed you snagged a hottie). Love from your Monkey P.S. Evan's birthday theme was Curious George!