Friday, November 14, 2008

Why Does It Always Rain On Me

I am anticipating my first quiet weekend in Skopje in a long time. I have no guests and the dinner party I was going to hold tomorrow is postponed. I am not making a quick dash to another country nor do I have any plans, other than watching a Macedonian movie with Igor tonight. I would like to catch up with my family and friends online and sleep in. My sleep has been troubled this week. I think it is due to stress. I am trying to do calm and positive things before going to bed, but for some reason, that is not enough. Last night, I had strange dreams and slept very lightly. So this weekend is when I will take care of myself. I will look for jobs, pay my rent and chill. The weather today is gloomy and I think we are finally getting the rain that we were supposed to be having this whole month. Perfect tea-sipping, knitting weather! Speaking of weather, I had a funny experience. One of my friends on Facebook who is in the States said he hated that it was so cold - 27 degrees. I was thinking that is not cold at all - it is actually pretty warm. Then, I realized that I was thinking in Celsius, not Fahrenheit. I am not totally converted to Celsius but still. I am more adjusted to being here and I don't even realize it.

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