First, I am now, officially Macedonian. How? No, it is not due to the Tito series...I have 2 cell phones. One for each provider (there are more than 2 providers but still). Igor got a new phone so he gave me his old phone so we can talk on that provider network. My other phone, the main phone, is the one where I communicate with everyone else since most of my friends are on this network. Upon purchasing the credit on Igor's network, we can talk for 1 denar a minute. That is less than 1 cent. We still text on the other phone. It sounds confusing but it is not. So if you want another number for me, just let me know and I will email you my new cell number.
Secondly, there is a recycling bin near my dumpsters at home. The bin is for plastic bottles and it is more of a cage than a bin. While I am very happy recycling has come to Skopje (officially), I wonder about the Roma who collect plastic bottles from the dumpsters to turn in the bottles for money. Are these people the beneficiaries of the caged recycled products? If they are not, who is? What are the bottle collectors going to do to survive? So now, do I put my bottles in the recycling cage or leave them on the side of the dumpster for the Roma collectors?
Typical building in Skopje

Asya (my supervisor), her husband Michel, and Igor (my Man)

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