Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Do You Believe In Magic?

Today, if you do nothing else (besides read my blog), read both Senators Obama and McCain's respective speeches about the election outcome. The graciousness, particularly exhibited by John McCain is humbling.

In other news, I have a fashionista update. Today, I saw a side rat tail on a teenage boy. It's like he got his mullet cut off and forgot a little strand. To cap it off, he is wearing his school uniform - a sport jacket and tie. Rat tail. It is like this, only not braided and a bit longer. Also, this particular fashion victim did not have a buzz.

Finally, I am attempting to change my return flight to the States from December to January. I went to the Air Bulgaria office yesterday around noon to find out that the person I need does not arrive until after 3:00. Awesome. This could have been avoided had a correct phone number been listed on the Air Bulgaria website. So I went back around 8 last night only to find out that this representative can't help me because my tickets are based on fares only offered in the US and so I have to contact the office in Sofia. He was tremendously helpful and actually nice. I left armed with an email address to send my inquiry. So I send off my request today and get a response that I need to go to the Skopje office to get help. I sent a reply saying I went there, this man told me to contact you and to proceed from there. Still waiting for a response. It is amazing how quickly people try to pass the buck. I am talking about the Sofia peeps, not the helpful Skopje person. Welcome, once again, to the Balkans.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're on a journey...unfortunately that's usually part of it. :( Good luck Em.