I am not feeling well today. Uneasiness permeates my being. My friends arrive tomorrow and Thursday respectively and so after work, I want to run and then get the apartment ready for their arrival. I am uneasy personally and professionally. I am coming up to a crossroad. I have no idea how long I can commit to my internship, which strains me. I need to continue to apply for jobs while the economies of the countries I am applying to are either in admitted recessions or in denial about the on going recession. I don't want to be all doom and gloom but I am stressed out.
In other fashionista news, I saw a mullet with, wait for it, a braided rat tale coming out the bottom. Ew. Rat tails and mullets are disturbing on their own, but together, horrifying. This is what I meant to write about yesterday as well but I forgot. Or maybe I blocked it. I wish I had a picture.
I went with Asya (my new permanent supervisor), Michel (her husband) and Igor (my boyfriend) to the winter foodstuff festival this weekend. It was a total disappointment. When you think festivals, you think booths selling food, crafty products and face painting. Ha! Not this time! I was hoping for homemade ajvar (delicious red pepper spread, I cannot describe it) but instead it was a few booths of companies that sell mass-produced ajvar and cheese. Blasphemy! No small town farmers, no homemade products...so we left and went to the Old Bazaar across the Old Stone Bridge, had kebab/bbq, shopska salad, and rakia. We walked around, sat and had coffee and all and all enjoyed the pleasant afternoon.
Back to researching social inclusion/exclusion...I hope I feel better soon. I should be excited because my friends are coming.
ems, i know exactly how you feel. i feel the same way. the future is so uncertain and the economy is not assuring. hang in there girl. gloom is in the air, but the tides will shift soon enough.
You will find something. Remember how you always tell me that I'll get the job? Well, I can say that to you with confidence. Yes, times are tough...but countries are not going to stop trying to move forward because of that....they all need people such as yourself. Good luck! You'll do just fine. :)
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