I heard the Barry Manilow song, "
Mandy", twice in one day a couple weeks ago...while it is cheesy, my goodness, click on the link and hear it (do not watch the video on the link- I claim no responsibility for the Sims stuff). Manilow is way into it during the refrain. Only in Macedonia would I randomly hear this song, twice! I know the second time was when Igor and I were in a cab. The driver had a cd of Barry Manilow. "
Mandy" reminds me of when I was little - around kindergarten age, living in Littleton, CO. I would listen to it in the basement laundry room in our townhouse. I loved that song and Barry Manilow in general. I also loved Don McLean, especially "
Vincent". Finally, here is a picture of Igor and me.
1 comment:
tres cute elmo!~
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