Zdravo. Guess what? I am once again blogging from home and this time, fingers crossed, my internet is not just a fleeting moment, but a reality. I even have had two conversations on skype. Imagine! Talking for free to my friend in Colorado and my other friend in Spain...the internet is a beautiful thing.
I am beginning looking for a job after my internship finishes. I am not sure when my internship will finish. I have committed to be here through mid-November, but if my funding and my project permits, I may be here through mid-February. I have a feeling that I will be very committed to my project here, once it takes off so leaving it will be difficult. I am beginning the job search now because if I end up working for an organization like the UN or USAID, the hiring process can take much longer than you ever think it should. I figure if a place wants me bad enough, they'll wait for me anyways, right?! Finding a job is much more difficult than one would think because most of the international development job openings I see are not entry level - I would venture to say a lot of them are for mid-career and higher. Another reason this is difficult is because I would like to stay working on women's issues. I would be happy to work in the area of women's health, women's economic rights, etc. So, since I am not at the level of executive director and I want to stay in the women's rights arena, my pool is a bit smaller. I need to look in Washington DC at Women's lobbying groups and the like. But the thing is, I feel like getting into the non-profit sector in DC or the States in general is a different direction than development...I know there are a lot of excellent organizations out there who would be happy to employ me, I just have to find them...
So, I have two laptops at my home right now. One is from work, so I can use the internet and the other is my beloved Mac. I am revising my resume and coming up with some thrilling cover letter for a few jobs on the Mac since that is where all those documents are. Want to know something awesome? My work laptop only has one place to plug in a flash drive, which means that I can only have the internet in or my flash drive with all my documents. C'est la vie! Maybe I can bluetooth the docs over...
1 comment:
Boo for job hunting...so frustrating, even from the States, so probably even more so from overseas. On the bright side, we're almost done with our degree!
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