Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I am a bit disappointed because I read this stupid article on dating during a recession. I am always disappointed at how shallow and materialistic people are. It is the bain of 'reality' tv as well and it just annoys me. I am sure it doesn't help that the WP is interviewing people in their young 20s, but I also have hope that these few interviewees do not represent the majority. It just depresses me because all I can think is that there are so many other things to invest your energy in than sizing up your date's earnings. While we all want to be comfortable, frankly, I am totally unimpressed by people who live outside their means and utilize material possessions as the barometer of their contribution to our relationship or society. This cuts both ways with those who supposedly eschew materialism but are affected in their interactions with people.

I wasn't going to write this blog post on dating in the material_world so I'll turn away and go on to tell you that I am half an inch closer to employment. My intuition tells me I am on the verge, though nothing is in stone so don't congratulate me just yet!

Finally, was it me or was Bobby Jindal's response to Obama's speech a disaster? Not one of the papers I read today had his response any where near the front page. It could have been his amazing delivery. His voice sounded fake. Or maybe because he invoked memories of Hurricane Katrina as the government's "response" to a disaster, yet said we need to do nothing in the face of this disaster, except cut taxes. Um, am I missing something? I thought the government was criticized for NOT responding fast enough to Katrina...his little anecdote was not powerful enough to make people forget the horrors of Katrina. And the Republicans supporting universal access to affordable health care coverage? Yeah, of course there was the caveat of not government run, but I want to know the Republican plan for providing this insurance. Someone needs a new speech writer. Here's the text. Wow. Tough night.

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