Yesterday, Dewey and I went to the Green Market. It was my first time there and I wish I had discovered it earlier! There are rows and rows and rows of fresh fruits and veggies. I bought a wooden mortar and pestle to make my homemade Macedonian salads. You can find everything at the Green Market. We were buying veggies to make dinner with Dao last night. I also cut my hair yesterday. I have bangs!!! Again!!! I love them. It just means I have to actually style my hair, which is not something I do right now. My hair was so straight and funky last night, never to be repeated. This is not because I don't want my hair to look this way again. Rather, I don't have a flat iron or patience to flat iron everything. So we went salsa dancing and enjoyed my new 'do. Funny moment from last night. I'm waiting to use the restroom and this cute Macedonian keeps checking me out so he finally walks over. He asks me some question in Macedonian and I apologize for not speaking Macedonian. He then proceeds to ask me where I am from in America, etc. and then he asks me how old I am. I told him that I want him to tell me how old he thinks I am and not to worry, I won't get angry. He guesses 18!!!!! Yeah! I'm 29 and he says, "18". I think he was being safe, but wow, I usually get 24. As it turns out, I think he was hoping I was 18 because he is wee 21. He reassured me I was not old and came and sat with Dao, Dewey and I. I give him mad props because he was struggling with English, but I could tell he was very secure, albeit a bit nervous. He studies pedology and psychology at a University here in Skopje. Maybe I'll run into him another week.
In other news, don't you hate when you think you bought toilet paper, but instead buy too many rolls of paper towels? Never happened to you? Well, this just happened to me. I've figured out how to make great, flushable strips, however, I will splurge and get real TP for my guest this weekend. It's already bad enough that I don't have a proper towel for her - just a beach towel!

Here are some pictures of my new hair cut. Do I seriously look 18?

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