It's a whiteout here in DC. Thank goodness I have power in my building. Buffy, the beautiful dog I live with, loves it. She runs through the snowdrifts, full speed. It's awesome, unless the snow is blowing in my face. This is a picture of Buffy with her "mailman" toy. Isn't she lovely?
I'm participating on a conference call via my blackberry, with CSI on mute, trying to figure out where the chemical/charcoal smell is coming from. It freaks me out. At any rate, work is great. I really enjoy being the intern coordinator and am still trying to find my "place" within the organization.
I'm starting to think about buying a place here in the city. I am cash poor, income rich so my main focus is saving up money to put towards a down payment. I think I've found the neighborhood I want to live in, but it is still somewhat sketchy. The biggest issue for me is that I don't have a car so I need to live near a metro station (within reason). I love not having a car, but it's inconvenience is becoming more and more obvious. My roomie is very generous with letting me borrow her vehicle, but when I get my own place, I won't have that luxury.
I've started taking pilates, working out in the gym in my apartment and am trying to find the perfect volunteer opportunity for myself. I'm starting with the Red Cross and going from there. I'm also going to get training on being a disaster crisis responder, but I want something more consistent. Not having a vehicle does limit what I can do, but I have faith that the right thing will come through. I've also been trying to go to Smithsonian events, starting with old western movie screenings.
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